Fuel smarter,

climb harder.

Nutrition Coaching for Climbers

Invest in your relationship with food

How many times have you second guessed yourself about your nutrition due to confusion, information overload, and feeling stuck in the comparison trap? You’re not alone if this has left you feeling defeated. In all of the noise, we forget that we are all unique individuals with unique, individual needs.

Let me be your advocate and show you the way to meet your needs through sensible, evidence-based nutrition that supports YOU. You deserve to feel empowered when making decisions with your nutrition. You deserve to enjoy a balanced, sustainable relationship with food.

Improve your performance through nutrition

Do you experience fatigue, chronic low energy, shakiness, stomach discomfort, frequent injuries or sickness, poor performance, or running out of energy mid-session? Are your perceived efforts to improve at climbing not aligning with your desired outcome?

Train better, perform better, and feel better overall with proper nutrition. An adequately-fueled diet can help you excel in your climbing, get closer to your goals, and keep you feeling motivated and empowered. Proper nutrition can help ensure that you feel energized and remain healthy while enjoying your favorite sport.

“During our time together, Shaina gracefully taught me not only how to balance my diet, but also that food is more than fuel for our body.” —Adrian M.

Request a discovery call for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.